The sweet spot where eye-catching patterns meet captivating stories and where innovative problem-solving fuses with heart-pounding adventures is Blueberry Bikes.

Our Mission

Awesome design, backed by strategy, and playful patterns can ignite inspiration and motivate people by nurturing profound adventures and experiences.

Blueberry Bikes is a design studio that strongly embraces the profound influence of design, branding, and adventure. From untamed wilderness to tranquil shores, Blueberry Bikes is your design partner for every adventure.

Meet Charlotte

The brains behind Blueberry Bikes, a designer who loves solving problems and telling great stories through design.

A design and outdoor enthusiast who is passionate about brand-building. With a strong creative drive and a keen eye for color. I draw inspiration from nature and my daily adventures to produce captivating visuals and patterns that effectively convey brand stories. I’m a big believer in the transforming power of design and branding to inspire and motivate individuals by fostering meaningful connections to the outdoors. The outdoors ignites my creativity and propels me to envision grand possibilities. If I’m not creating, I am probably outside skiing, biking, or running.

Based in: Bozeman, MT

Note about the name.

The "blueberry" represents the spirit of adventure, exploration, and creativity. Like wild blueberries, we encourage you to tap into your adventurous side, venture outdoors, and embrace your untamed nature. Also, blueberries are one of the only naturally blue foods. Like blueberries, we create one-of-a-kind and unique color combinations. All of our patterns are meant to show off your unique personality.

The "bikes" aspect of Blueberry Bikes represents our commitment to an active lifestyle and sustainable living. Cycling is not only a joyful means of transportation but also a symbol of our dedication to preserving our magnificent grown-up playground. It epitomizes our love for biking and extends beyond just bicycles; we have an unwavering passion for any thrilling activity associated with adventure.